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Displaying Search Results for: Y-Tac

Y-TAC SSI Youth Toolkit

As a professional or family member, do you know that you play a key role in supporting youth in understanding the impact of earnings on benefits and in making informed choices to develop pathways to greater economic self-sufficiency to support life goals? The Vocational Rehabilitation Youth Technical Assistance Center (Y-TAC) has prepared a Just-In-Time Toolkit that covers not only  facts about Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, but also information about developing assets through an ABLE account, Special Needs Trust or through other tools like using work incentives. The materials include tips, checklists and information…

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ABLE Service Provider Toolkit

Introducing: The ABLE Service Provider Toolkit Information and resources that support financial stability is essential to meeting the needs of people with disabilities. The ABLE National Resource Center (ABLE NRC) makes it easy for service providers, case managers and advocates to inform customers, colleagues and peers of ABLE accounts as a protected savings and investment option that does not impact federal benefits. Family, friends, pooled and special needs trusts may contribute to a person’s ABLE account without direct deposits counting as income. ABLE savings up to $100,000 is not counted towards resources for those who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)….

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Service Provider Toolkit

Introducing: The ABLE Service Provider Toolkit Information and resources that support financial stability is essential to meeting the needs of people with disabilities. The ABLE National Resource Center (ABLE NRC) makes it easy for service providers, case managers and advocates to inform customers, colleagues and peers of ABLE accounts as a protected savings and investment option that does not impact federal benefits. Family, friends, pooled and special needs trusts may contribute to a person’s ABLE account without direct deposits counting as income. ABLE savings up to $100,000 is not counted towards resources for those who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)….

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October 24 – Supporting Employment for Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities: How ABLE Accounts and SSA Work Incentives Can Help!

October 24, 2019, 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. ET Every October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), a month devoted to the importance of an inclusive workforce that values the skills and talents of people with disabilities. ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) accounts can contribute to disability workforce inclusion by supporting the education and employment goals of qualified individuals with disabilities. In combination with Social Security Administration (SSA) work incentives, ABLE accounts can increase financial self-sufficiency and improve long-term outcomes. The purpose of this webinar was to educate transition-age youth with disabilities, their families, providers and advocates on…

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As a professional or family member, do you know that you play a key role in supporting youth in understanding the impact of earnings on benefits and in making informed choices to develop pathways to greater economic self-sufficiency to support life goals? The Vocational Rehabilitation Youth Technical Assistance Center (Y-TAC) has prepared a Just-In-Time Toolkit that covers not only facts about Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, but also information about developing assets through an ABLE account, Special Needs Trust or through other tools like using work incentives. The materials include tips, checklists and information…

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