#ABLEtoSave Series: Choosing the Right ABLE Program for You (Sponsored by Fidelity Investments)

August 30, 2017

With over half the States in the country having launched ABLE programs, the ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC), as part of the #ABLEtoSave campaign, would like to invite potential ABLE participants, their families, and all other ABLE stakeholders, to attend a free webinar focused on helping you understand how to determine which ABLE program might be best for you and how to best prepare to open your ABLE account

This webinar, taking place Wednesday August 30, from 2:00 – 3:00 EST and sponsored by our friends at Fidelity Investments, will be moderated by Chris Rodriguez, Director, ABLE National Resource Center, and will include a panel of ABLE related stakeholders and experts, including:

  • Martha Savery, Director, Public Affairs and Communications, MEFA
  • John Nadworny, CFP®, Partner, Special Needs Financial Planning

Some of the areas that this webinar will focus on include:

  • Identifying ABLE characteristics that should be consistent across all programs
  • Identifying ABLE characteristics that may be different from one program to another
  • Identifying how those differences may affect which program best meets your specific needs
  • Identifying how to best prepare to open an ABLE account

Webinar Material:

Presentation Slides
Presentations Slides in Word